Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the trip

1Onslow - a sleepy town about to be invaded by the Macedon & Wheatstone Gas projects.
2.Salt production lakes
3.termite mounds
4.3 mile camping at old onslow, invaded by gas pipeline works
5.Bibbawarra bore 65degrees near Carnarvon
Those pics refer to the previous pics in both cases.


The pics are of Cossack an old abandoned town, after the port silted up.The beach is Honeymoon Cove at Pt Sampson, which is quite nice. Then there is the GT chris caught at back Beach Karratha. And our home for 7 weeks.


We visited the old Roeburne jail. we tried the shackles. Also some fencing strainers on display

night watch


more work

karratha work

Here are some of our work mates and working conditions we had to put up with!!