Monday, February 28, 2011

Cape Jervis

Chris against all my advice, and only a week since he got bogged in sand at Robe decided to take us up the beach with Kimmy.( The Van).Did'nt get far.You

So he took the car off & snigged her back with the winch, after reaching harder sand, he towed her back & turned her around so we could hook up again.
Never again. He may listen to me in future!!!

victor Harbour

Char & mog at 2nd Valley

Victor Harbour

We hiked around Granite Island, then got the Horse drawn tram back. Its the only horse drawn tram in Aust. There are 7 Clydsdales that are rostered . Victor Harbour is a tourist town.
From there we drove through Goolwa & saw the Murray mouth into the sea. We saw one of the 7 barrages built in 1940 to keep sea water out of the Murray.Goolwa now has water because Lake Alexandrina is full from the Murray. But was empty in the last drought.
Goolwa is a very pretty town, 1 of the places I'd like to go back to.

Flerieu Peninsula

With Charisse we travelled down the Fleurieu,(Floo-re-owe) peninsula.

4wding at Robe

These pics tell the story.

We met up with Doug & Vicki from Geelong. (We met them at Xmas in Echuca, camping by the Murray.)
We saw them again at Robe.
So we all went 4wding in Little Dip NP. At the 1st soft beach Dis got through & Doug got stuck. Then Dis went back to tow him out, only to get bogged. Finally after 2 hours of collecting seaweed & rocks ,Dis got out. Then we repeated it all & Doug got out.
WOW, what a relief!! Then we had a nice 4wd .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mt Gambier

Mt Schank is a volcano extinct or dormant ( they don't know), pretty massive crater,

The Little Blue Lake is the first lake we have come across in the region, a good swimming hole

dartmoor port mcdonnell

We are now in SA.The sculptured trees are from atlas cedars planted 1918,when they were too old, they decided to sculpt figures about the war.
One big cypress is carved into fairytale figures. They are quite good.
Potr Mcdonnell was windy,cold but spectacular limestone coast. We saw a fairy penguin colony.Dis did not catch any fish. There were some sand beaches, but mostly the coastline was reef up to the sanddunes.
We had a picture at the southernmost point of SA.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011