Saturday, November 27, 2010


See prev note re tree.

broken hill

The silver tree is synonymous with Bh, made in 1880. But not from Bh Silver, it was not discovered until after that.

broken hill

the car is at Silverton, the sculpture by por hart




Silverton is an old mining town prior to Broken Hill.It was deserted when BH discovered silver lead zinc. Mad Max 2 was filmed here & we went 2 the Max Museum.


Mutawintji NP

Had a terrific hike up the Gorge here.

menindeesun 28th Nov

We are cxamped up here, rained all day yesterday, you can see in the background a vehicle & camper stuck on the rd. In this grey mud, you go nowhere.So they had to stay in the car for the night. They were just towed out,now.There is a lot of water in the Menindee lake system. We are camped at the edge of Lake pamamaroo.